Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I was reading to my boys tonight out in the hall before bed. The amazing Ms. Frizzle was telling her students to put on their specially designed underwater somethings, but my eyes saw "underwear." I caught myself in time and read it correctly, but I couldn't resist relating the revelation. I knew what kind of reaction it might get.

"You know, when my eyes saw that word," (I pointed at it), "I thought it said underwear instead of underwater. 'Ok, class,' " I continued in my pretty-good shrill Frizz imitation, " 'look under your seats for your specially designed underwear!' "

Charmer started rolling around before I was even done - his face becoming red like his fuzzy pajamas, laughing so hard he made no sound for several seconds. I grinned at my older son, we'll call him Engineer, who giggled, half at the word and half at his brother.

We had to repeat that one several times.

It must be something about the age. You see, this joke started a few years ago when Engineer was the age that Charmer is now, maybe younger. We were staying at a hotel that had cable television channels, and boy, let me tell you - - that was a major attraction for our kids, who only got PBS through the antenna at home. (Hubs was in Med School, for goodness sakes.) Well, this kids show called "Bunnytown" came on, and it was actually pretty funny. If you can appreciate four to six year-old humor, anyway. A tiny bunny muppet kept popping up all during the show, interrupting other bunnies, and all he would say was, "Underwear! Underwear!" Oh, my. I think all three of my kids almost peed in their pants they laughed so hard. Well, maybe not Oldest (who occasionally reads my blog and might be offended at the mention of bodily functions). But she still thought it was funny.

This good joke lives on in our household - resurrected mostly by our youngest, now. Like I said, it's the age.

Go ahead, smile. Say it loud and proud. "Underwear!!!"

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